Thursday, October 8, 2009

Moments with Maya

Yesterday was Maya's Fitness Fundraiser at school. She decided she was going to ride her scooter as much as she could for an hour. While we were getting ready in the morning this is what a Maya Moment sounds like:

Maya says: "Mommy how long does school last?"

I reply: (thinking, lets make this a learning moment) "Well, let's thinks about this, school starts at 8:40am and ends at 3:07pm". So we start counting on my fingers and come up with almost 7 hours.

Maya says: "Great! My deodorant only lasts 24 hours".


Sprinkel Queen said...

I Lurved hearing this from you and then reading it again, just because! Nice new Blog layout too! ;) Busy today? hehe

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

Oh my gosh! Hilarious!

kay skiles said...

Beautiful and so grown up!!!! How many laps did you do???

Anonymous said...

Omg. SHe looks so old. Love her comment. She's gonna be a heart breaker.

samantha said...

HAHA Love it. Did it last through the whole hour? Oh and I do have to point out how you don't have our family blog listed on your sidebar. =) I know I'm your favorite cousin-in-law hehe

Anonymous said...

Maya you are so funny!

Love you!
Aunt Kelly