Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dan's the Man on Big Brother

Dan Gheesling kept his balance on a biplane and now he has posturing rights.
The 25-year-old Catholic school teacher from Dearborn, Mich., was named the winner of Big Brother 10, which was heralded as a "back to basics" edition of the aging CBS reality series, with live audiences sitting in on weekly eviction shows for the first time since season one and all 13 HouseGuests starting off the summer as strangers.
Meaning, no gimmicks here. All contestants had to build alliances—and, subsequently, tear 'em down—from scratch.
After 71 days of physical challenges, brainteasers, fence-mending and the usual dose of strategic trickery (all accomplished, seemingly, while either sitting down or reclining), Dan beat out mixologist and fellow Renegade Memphis Garrett, 25, for the $500,000 jackpot.
After spending a week as America's Player earlier this season, Dan swept the jury vote, 7-0.
Memphis gets $50,000 for his efforts, while 30-year-old Keesha Smith will pocket $25,000 as the winner of the Favorite Juror Prize.
Now what am I going to do with Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday nights???

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