Tuesday, January 18, 2011

21 Days of Getting Organized Day 15

Day 15 The Medicine/Vitamin Organization

I already did my medicine cabinet and medicine tubs the other day, do you know how much stuff I tossed? A lot of expired medication! That got me thinking about my mini first aid kit in the car. I bought that years ago and who knows what is still "good" in there!

Like I said, it's a mini First Aid Kit

I took everything out and wiped down the case

Checked everything for expiration dates. Then sorted like items with like items.

Then loaded it back in. This is not meant for a serious accident, jut a few bandages and aspirin. Which got me thinking again that perhaps I need a bigger First Aid Kit in my car? Just in case!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a great thing to have!